The Art of Helping Veterans


A Guide for Writing Aides

Guest Editorial by writing aide Sandra “Sandy” L. Cass from the Orlando VA Community Living Center “Veterans’ Voices is literary magic. It takes you into the hearts and minds of men and women who have given much and, through no fault of their own, find themselves with emotional trauma or a moral injury. Once offered the chance to write for possible publication in Veterans’ Voices, these veterans become eager to put their thoughts on paper or computer. They’re anxious to tell the world who they are and what they think and feel. This mental exercise becomes as important as physical therapy for those involved in the project. Writing aides are an integral part of the process. An aide is able to interact with the veterans: listen to what they say aloud and encourage them to try writing. One-on-one conversations often uncover stories that the reluctant authors want to write down but fear others will find unworthy or boring. With encouragement, these people are able to share their thoughts through words (and drawings). By telling their story, they feel better about themselves and offer inspiration to others: veterans, family, friends, VA staff, and magazine readers. Being a writing aide requires no formal training, but rather common sense, compassion, and an interest in your fellow man. There will be many veterans who are capable of writing their own stories or poems, using pen, pencil, or computer. It’s important to encourage them to write something every day. For those patients who aren’t comfortable writing independently: visit with them, take notes on the conversation, and then transcribe what they share. If you have trouble remembering conversational details, use a recording device. When veterans are reluctant to talk, gently probe their memories with your questions. Once the veterans’ thoughts are compiled into a narrative or poem, give them the opportunity to review it and change the wording. Hopefully, they will want to expand on their ideas and add more detail. When they seem satisfied with their writing, type and print the revised version for them. Gradually, some of these writers will begin putting their thoughts on paper or typing them into a computer without the verbal conversation. Continue to be supportive as they learn how to compose on their own. The last step is to follow the submission guidelines at the back of the magazine or on the website.

“In all my years of volunteering, working for VVWP is by far the most rewarding. My veterans look forward to our workshop meetings and seeing their work in print—especially when it appears in Veterans’ Voices. Their looks of appreciation and satisfaction are heartfelt. Our group identifies with each other and we have become like family.” — Sandra “Sandy” L. Cass, Writing Aide

If you would like to volunteer as a writing aide, contact the VVWP office about getting started. Start with just a few veterans: encourage them to write, listen to what they say, and help them write it down, if necessary. Those first veterans will help you spread the word about the project and soon you’ll be on your way to helping a larger group of writers. Also, remember, that VVWP relies on donations from people who believe that writing is good medicine. Become a part of this project: share the writing therapy message and support it with your gifts of time and money. God bless the wounded warriors who have a story to tell and the people who give them voice through the pages of Veterans’ Voices!