Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit manuscripts for publication?
All submissions of prose, poetry and artwork can be submitted online or mailed to VVWP offices. VVWP does its very best to publish the works of each and every writer who submits materials correctly and follows these very specific submission guidelines.
Is there any limit to what I can submit?
Writers can submit up to three typed poems, each no longer than 24 lines with 60 character width. Prose should be no longer than 10 pages, typed using double spacing. Artists can submit up to 10 drawings and photographs. For more information, see submission guidelines.
To make an online submission, please click here and register.
How long will it take for my writings or artwork to be published?
The Veterans Voices Writing Project (VVWP) does its very best to publish the works of each and every writer who submits materials correctly and follows the very specific submission guidelines. VVWP is pleased to receive hundreds upon hundreds of entries, noting that so far our veterans have been represented in nearly every state. Because of this, there can be a considerable time lapse between receipt of the veteran’s works and its publication. And it is regrettable that due to limited publication space, not all manuscripts are published.
To make an online submission, please click here and register.
How will I know when my work has been published?
The Veterans Voices Writing Project (VVWP) does its very best to notify each and every writer who is published in Veterans’ Voices by sending a complimentary issue and later an award check to each published writer.
As volunteers (professional journalists and writers) edit the materials for each issue, some manuscripts receive cash prizes that have been sponsored by various groups and individuals. The VVWP volunteers and staff prepare and mail checks to the authors following the publication of each issue.
For more information about getting your own subscription, please click here.
How do I know if I received a prize for my submission?
Some manuscripts receive cash prizes that have been sponsored by various groups and individuals. See the list of sponsors and prizes available. The VVWP volunteers and staff prepare and mail checks to the authors following the publication of each issue.
How do you sign up to sponsor a writing prize or award?
Writers and artists qualify for a variety of awards and prizes if their work is published in Veterans’ Voices. You can become a regular sponsor of a writing prize category of your choice by contacting the VVWP office at 816-701-6844. Within the pages of Veterans’ Voices each writing prize is listed along with the name of the sponsoring individual or organization. See the list of current sponsors and prizes.
What a thrill it will be for you knowing that your small financial gift made it possible for a veteran to see his/her writing in print and receive a small monetary reward for the effort.
Is the material published in Veterans’ Voices protected by copyright law?
Reproduction of material published in Veterans’ Voices, in whole or part, is welcomed! Full credit must be given to the writer and this magazine. Mail two copies of the reprint to the editor at the headquarters address. Veterans’ Voices is not copyrighted and does not accept copyrighted material.
How do you sign up to receive a subscription?
Reduced subscription rates are available to veterans participating in the writing project, as well as educational institutions and libraries. Veterans, whose work appears in the current issue of the magazine, also receive a complimentary copy.
Regular subscriptions are available for a minimum donation of $35 per year. Donations and subscription orders can be sent to: Veterans Voices Writing Project, 406 West 34th St., Suite 103, Kansas City, MO 64111.
What makes us a unique and worthwhile charitable organization?
Veterans Voices Writing Project (VVWP) is designed to utilize writing as therapy for veterans. Writing aides, writing group leaders, volunteers and/or Veterans Administration medical center staff encourage veterans to write. In 1952, the magazine, Veterans’ Voices, was created to encourage veterans by publishing their work. Since that time, this 64-page magazine has been published three times per year (Spring, Summer and Fall).
Veterans often experience traumatic and life-changing experiences in the service of their country. Through the coordinated efforts of VVWP volunteers and/or VA medical center staff, veterans across the United States are encouraged to write as therapy. They may submit their manuscripts (prose, poetry and artwork) for publication in Veterans’ Voices, the only publication dedicated solely to veterans’ writings.
It can mean so much to a veteran when a story, poem or artwork is published in Veterans’ Voices magazine, proving again that love (and writing) is still the best medicine. Veterans are looking for a helping hand to bolster their self-esteem, to make them proud to have served our country. These veterans, whatever their disabilities, need to know that while their service is interrupted, they are not forgotten. VVWP has gone to great lengths to instill in the hearts of veterans a pride of accomplishment, a reward for an endeavor well done. As long as men and women dream, Veterans’ Voices will be there to fulfill those dreams.
What have we accomplished?
Every issue of Veterans’ Voices contains the writing and artwork of hundreds of veterans from nearly every state. Manuscripts and letters from veterans express how thrilling it is for them to see their remembrances and compositions in print. Many are so excited that they do not cash the small checks that they receive as prizes for being published. Some return the checks as a donation to help keep Veterans’ Voices going. For many veterans, seeing their poetry or prose in print is the boost that they need to get over depression, PTSD and other maladies.
Read more about the threrapy of writing.
“I was in a waiting room at the Buffalo VA when I found Veterans’ Voices on a stack of magazines next to me,” wrote Deborah Welch, Lockport, N.Y. “At first I thought ‘Yup – another military magazine, but I’ll look through it anyway.’ I was surprised and very glad I came across this wealth of literature for veterans and everyone else. I write now as a hobby; therefore, I am grateful my article was published. I’ve told three other veterans about your website and have ‘Liked’ you on Facebook.”
How do we help people?
Volunteer writing aides and writing group leaders, both inside and outside of VA facilities, work to assist veterans in getting their life experiences on paper, to type these and to submit them for publication in Veterans’ Voices. We work closely with the volunteer services and recreation therapy directors in all VA facilities, as well as other veterans’ organizations to promote the benefits of therapeutic writing. The VA system has been very supportive of the efforts of VVWP because of the positive effects on the patients in their facilities. Volunteer editors prepare these manuscripts for publication. Small stipends and donated prizes are paid to veterans whose work is published.
Joanne MacDougall of San Jose, Calif., wrote, “Don and I have told all our friends about your wonderful project. I learned about it at a VFW Auxiliary meeting and couldn’t wait to go home and tell my husband. He is disabled and can’t get around much. This is the perfect project for him – and he lovedit! God bless you all.”
Why do we need your support?
VVWP and Veterans’ Voices is supported solely by contributions from corporations, individuals and veterans’ organizations. It takes many donations to provide support for writing aides and the publication of the 64-page magazine. With the need to reach more veterans of all generations and in more ways with new technology, the demand for more funds is always increasing. VVWP has inaugurated a digital edition of the magazine thanks to donors and grantors. But, additional funding is needed for technology to serve veterans and to increase support for writing aides and writing groups. With more donations from caring people like you, these initiatives can be fulfilled. Each donation is valued and put to good use.
How are the funds utilized?
Donations are utilized in the publication of the magazine – for printing, prizes (as established by various individuals and organizations), mailing costs, maintaining website and technology, staff and offices. The Veterans Voices Writing Project’s only paid employee is a part-time administrative manager, and we know we need more staff. As publication and mailing costs rise, the board continually seeks new ways to publish and distribute veterans work. Volunteers are a key component to providing the therapeutic writing services, and many individuals contribute their time or services– just as they have done since 1952, but more is needed.
How can you make a financial donation to the Writing Project?
Online credit card donations to the VVWP can be accepted right now on our Donation page.
How do you volunteer?
The Veterans Voices Writing Project (VVWP) is actively seeking volunteers — just like you — from across the nation.
If you want to get involved with the project and pay tribute to those who served our great nation are urged to contact the VVWP office at 816-701-6844. Click here to find out more information and read stories from other volunteers.
VVWP can use your unique talents and time as a volunteer. Either as a VVWP representative, a writing aide, writing assistant, proofreader, or a fundraiser. VVWP operates under the direction of an all-volunteer board with volunteer editors and proofreaders, who help produce the magazine, Veterans’ Voices. Without the dedication of our wonderful volunteers, Veterans’ Voices could not continue to exist as it has since 1952!
You may also contact your nearest Veterans Administration facility and visit with the volunteer services director and/or the recreation therapy director for opportunities to serve our veterans.